For Ukrainian energy system, the 2022/2023 heating season has become an unprecedented one. Only DTEK Energy’s thermal power plants were attacked by the enemy on 29 occasions just during the previous half-year. Over a thousand units of various equipment at the power plants sustained damages.
In these conditions, the company started scheduled repairs on its TPP power generating units in advance to get better prepared for the upcoming heating season. The first repair job is planned to b completed by the end of current month already. Generally during 2023 DTEK Energy plans to repair some 28 energy generating units across the entirety of its thermal power plants.

Direct losses resulting from damage and destruction of the equipment of the company’s generating assets approach UAH 6 billion. With large-scale destructions in place, it shall be none easier to enter the next following heating season than the current one. This could be contributed by a uniform Ukrainian energy sector restoration program, particularly with respect to heat generation. Under the umbrella of that program, international assistance, state support, opportunities of retrieving credit finance from international financial institutions, etc. could all be consolidated. Repaying outstanding debts for generation performance on the balancing market could also promote the fastest possible restoration of the assets. Just before our company, this debt exposure amounts to more than UAH 2.2 billion,” said Ildar Saleev, CEO of DTEK Energy.

As we know, following the outcomes of 2022, some 26 repairs of power generating units were completed at DTEK Energy’s TPPs. Investments into the previous year’s repair campaign amounted to almost UAH 2.2 billion.