Well over 100 protesters gathered on Friday 29 April at Paris at the headquarters of the French company Engie to demand the termination of gas contracts with Gazprom in Russia and, therefore, to stop funding a terrorist country that is killing Ukrainians and destroying the country’s infrastructure.

The protest, organised by the Union of Ukrainians, included placards reading "Engie! Stop Bloody Energy" and red paint.

Volodymyr Kogutyak, coordinator of the action and a representative of the Association of Ukrainians in France, said, "Engie, Gazprom’s main partner in the French market, currently has five long-term contracts for the supply of Russian gas. Despite the full-scale Russian aggression in Ukraine, which has been going on for more than two months, Engie has not yet announced the termination of existing contracts with Russia. In cooperation with Gazprom, Engie finances the terrorist country, helping the murder of Ukrainian children and women, the destruction of Ukrainian cities."

In early April 2022, the most prominent Ukrainian energy companies, DTEK, Naftogaz, and NEC Ukrenergo, launched the #StopBloodyEnergy project (https://bloody.energy/) calling on Western companies to stop cooperating with Russia in fuel and energy industry. The site contains information about gas, coal (trading), oil service and machine-building companies that continue to cooperate with Russia. ENGIE is on the Bloody Energy list.

If Western countries continue to buy Russian energy, Russia will earn $321 billion in 2022. For this amount, Russia can buy 80,000 armored personnel carriers, 30,000 tanks, 5,000 aircraft, 100,000 armoured vehicles and 3,000 Buk missile systems, which will be used to kill Ukrainians.