#EnergyWings: Ukraine’s first and unique collaboration of business and contemporary art to preserve storks The first collaboration of business and contemporary art to preserve storks was created in Ukraine as part of the #EnergyWings environmental educational project launched by DTEK Grids. In the light of this tandem, two sculptures of the stork family were created by Les Panchyshyn, the contemporary Ukrainian sculptor. These art objects are now in the most popular parks in Kyiv and Odesa. Those who have already seen them called the sculptures a symbol of family comfort and love for all living things. 

The sculptures #EnergyWings were installed at VDNG in Kyiv and in the Victory park in Odesa.

The creating the stork sculptures was one of the key stages of the #EnergyWings project launched by DTEK Grids.

The #EnergyWings project unites the actions of business, the young generation of Ukrainians, as well as contemporary art to draw public attention to the problem of biodiversity loss and the environment protection.

“The language of art is universal for all, regardless of gender, beliefs, home country. Art facilitates communication, even a difficult one. It speaks to your heart,” says Diana Kladova, Head of Communications at DTEK Grids. “In collaboration with the young Ukrainian artist Les Panchyshyn, we created the #EnergyWings sculptures, which were installed in Kyiv and Odesa. Thanks to the language of art, we will attract even more Ukrainians to the goals of sustainable development”.

The opening of the sculptures in Kyiv and Odesa became a family celebration with an art workshop where children were taught to draw storks, sweet treats, animators, and photo zones for vivid photos on social networks.

The #EnergyWings sculptures are made in a form of conceptual symbolism of contemporary art. These are sculptures in size close to the real object they represent. The surrounding is an integral part of the composition. That is why they were installed in parks in Kyiv and Odesa. Art objects depict a family of storks in a nest on a platform installed by DTEK Grids. In the background, the sun rises in the shape of the letter D, which stands for the capital letter of the DTEK company name. The sun symbolizes creative energy intended to protect and preserve wildlife. This is the focus of DTEK Grids’ #EnergyWings project.

When presenting the sculptures, Ivan Geliukh, DTEK Grids CEO, said that the company has been taking care of and protecting birds from injury and death on power lines for nine years. So, the #EnergyWings project is not a one-time action, but one of the stages of the DTEK Grids’ consistent efforts to preserve biodiversity. “DTEK Grids is a modern business that focuses not only on achieving business goals, but also contributes to solving problems important for society. Between 2013 and 2021, our specialists moved 370 stork nests to the platforms. According to ecologists, we have already helped to preserve more than 5,600 individuals of this bird. Such achievements inspire us to carry on. In 2022, we plan to install another 120 platforms and implement several other things for ornithological safety,” says Ivan Geliukh, CEO for DTEK Grids.

The sculptor Les Panchyshyn is a contemporary Ukrainian artist, sculptor known far beyond his home country. His paintings were presented in exhibitions in galleries in Sweden, Austria, Belgium, France, America, etc. In 2021, Les is representing Ukraine at the World Expo 2020 in Dubai. “Since ancient times, people have demonstrated their feelings through art. Paintings and sculptures convey the deep meaning of any idea with no words. Therefore, I am sure that the #EnergyWings sculptures will reach out to the hearts of everyone who sees them and remind people that we must protect wildlife and preserve it for future generations of Ukrainians,” says Les Panchyshyn.

Les said that it was a real challenge for him to participate in the #EnergyWings project. “I knew that it is a huge responsibility to create a symbol of human concern for the preservation of storks and all living things that surround us. Moreover, we had little time to implement this ambitious goal,” says Les. Typically, it takes at least six months to create a sketch and make a sculpture. And we needed to complete these steps in three months in the #EnergyWings project. “To be honest, I was a little scared to undertake this task. But after talking to the project team, I also believed that we would cope and will do everything in time,” says Les. “The very next day we started working on a sketch of future sculptures, and exactly three months later, we laid the foundation and installed these art objects in Kyiv and Odesa. I am grateful to DTEK Grids for doing such an important job and for giving me the opportunity to make my small contribution to this great deed." The sculptures are an excellent final chord of the #EnergyWings project in 2021. Let's recall the journey.

#EnergyWings in numbers:

  • Project time: 3 months
    Geography: 3 regions - Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Odesa
    Record: 120 stork nesting platforms were installed within a month
    Outcome: 600 storks protected and preserved


  • 40 children - young naturalists who did the research of the stork life and made videos about it 
    More than 200 adults who participated in the installation of name platforms for stork nests and helped to implement the project
    Art: the first collaboration of contemporary art and Ukrainian energy to protect storks
    Sculptures: 2 sculptures of the stork family in Kyiv and Odesa

The #EnergyWings project of DTEK Grids has become the largest environmental education campaign in Ukraine to protect storks.

But it is too early to put it to an end. In 2022, the company plans to install at least 120 platforms in Kyiv, Odesa, and Dnipropetrovsk regions, as well as implement other initiatives to preserve the white stork population. And this means that this graceful bird, which is a symbol of the family nest, is under the reliable protection of energy men in Ukraine. So, the winged energy of DTEK Grids pursues its good mission to bring light and love to this world thanks to people's concern for the protection of these beautiful birds