During the press conference on November 26th, President Zelenskyy also blamed DTEK for the energy crisis. DTEK considers these statements to be unfair and groundless. DTEK has been operating in the Ukrainian market for 16 years, employing 60,000 people and ensuring energy security and state independence.

Understanding the problems of state-owned TPPs and CHPs with coal accumulation, DTEK is finding and importing scarce fuel on world markets and helping the state’s power generation needs. Realizing the risk of gas shortages in Ukrainian gas storage facilities, DTEK has done everything possible to produce record volumes of natural gas this year - 2 bcm.

DTEK always helps the state and also needs support during the unprecedented global crisis. Instead, we face constant pressure, fabricated accusations, and discrimination.

When a state-backed green bond was issued to international investors this month to pay off debts for produced renewable electricity, DTEK was singled out among almost 1,000 companies to not receive payment. Today, the state’s total debt to DTEK reaches over UAH 15 billion.

Despite all this, DTEK continues to guarantee the stable operation of the power system and to ensure the energy independence of the state.

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