Social responsibility and commitment to the principles of sustainable development are key values and an integral part of the ESG-strategy of the Group. That is why DTEK Group invests significant funds in improving the safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness of its enterprises, labour protection, health improvement and professional development of employees, the development of local communities and improving the quality of life of people in the regions of activity
DTEK is consistently developing its activities in the field of sustainable development, guided by the principles of the ESG and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (12 of 17) and strives to work in accordance with international standards for sustainable development. The practice of responsible financing is aimed at an integrated and balanced approach to business development and the observance of the interests of the community. The Group being responsible employer and a social investor, participates in the socio-economic development of the regions in which it operates, while not replacing the functions of the state. Socially responsible investment in partnership with local communities is a prerequisite for the operations of the Group companies. The Group companies implement social networks, which are aimed at involving and uniting the population to solve the problems of community development and improve the quality of life.
Social responsibility and sustainable development integral to the Group's ESG-strategy. Commitment to principles of safety, efficiency, and environmental friendliness.
Significant funds invested in enterprises for safety, efficiency, and environmental improvements. Focus on labour protection, health improvement, and professional development of employees.
Development of local communities and enhancement of people's quality of life. Implementation of social networks to involve and unite the population for community problem-solving.
Adherence to ESG principles, UN Sustainable Development Goals (12 of 17), and international standards. Striving for a balanced approach in business development respecting community interests.
Membership in UN Global Compact Network and commitment to its principles. Environmental activities are an integral part of the Group’s successful business and are based on DTEK's Environmental Policy. Investment in environmental activities based on ISO 14001: 2015 standards.
Development of local communities and enhancement of people's quality of life. Implementation of social networks to involve and unite the population for community problem-solving.
Realized jointly with FC Shakhtar, the project teaches children the basics of playing football and a healthy lifestyle for free.
This online project teaches children the rational and economical use of energy resources, helps to learn important things about ecological protection, and talks about energy security