It seems that quite recently the participants of the first group of the program "Energy of Innovation: Executive MBA" held motivational interviews and got acquainted with each other, and now they have already presented the results of project pilots and defended their diploma papers.

  • 8 teams
  • 8 business projects
  •  8 embodied pilots

Participants, project curators from Businesses, and consultants from Academy DTEK are proud of the work results. Work on the projects lasted for 18 months from the beginning of the studying: search for the project topic, presentation of its relevance and novelty, pitch of the pilot plan and budget, implementation of the pilot and the actual presentation of the result, lessons and conclusions.

The 8 projects that were granted the right to life had already been successfully implemented in the form of pilots and bring economic and social benefits not only to applicants, but also to communities where there are such separate projects. All projects have received high scores and positive approval from DTEK's management and will be scaled and replicated in their businesses to other facilities.

The team #5 consisting of Oleg Solovyov, Dmytro Neshev and Anna Chilibiyska coped best with the task of implementing the project and impressed everyone with their results. DTEK RWB team has developed an innovative product OD.ISSAY - a system for comprehensive diagnostics of large solar stations. The essence of the OD.ISSEY product is a software model that diagnoses data from SCADA, drones, meteorological stations, analyzes and issues recommendations and action plan to operational personnel. Going beyond the standards and using their own expertise, the team diagnosed solar stations at times increasing accuracy, thereby minimizing losses.

The DTEK GRIDS team also received a grade of A. In their pilot project, Andreeva Anastasia, Bereza Natalia, Kozhukhar Oleksandr, Neretin Klim and Shaida Vitaliy proposed a new solution to this problem for grids companies - a comprehensive digital solution Automatic Center of Deviation Control (ACDC), which allows predictively, before receiving complaints, to eliminate differences mains voltage in the most efficient way.

DTEK's management is convinced that the people and projects they implement are the best investment, both financially and in their time. Due to the implementation of a team business project, the competitiveness and expertise of the company increases. Working in a team of managers of different functions leads to a deeper understanding of the strategic decisions of individual departments and the company as a whole and gives them the opportunity not only vertical but also horizontal growth.

The flagship program "Energy of Innovation: Executive MBA" is about human development and business consulting. It is permeated with the synergy of personality and breakthrough project, because that is what gives the best results.

Academy DTEK is an open educational platform for business and society, the leader in corporate training in Ukraine. In 2019, the Academy was recognized as the best corporate university in the world in the Corporate Responsibility category by the Global CCU (Global Association of Corporate Universities). Every year, 140 thousand people are trained at the Academy - from trainings on the development of competencies, distance courses to corporate MBA programs. There are 289 internal trainers, 8 certified assessors and coaches that work for Academy DTEK.

The “Energy of Innovation: Executive MBA” program is designed for top managers and senior executives who have more than 5 years of managerial experience and seek to scale, develop and change the environment in which they work, as well as successors to key positions in the company. within the System of Talent Development D.Talent.