Since February 24, DTEK Grids energy companies have restored electricity to 4 million households affected by shelling in Kyiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk oblasts, and the city of Kyiv. Only in the last week, from 19 to 25 September, specialists carried out repairs and restored light to more than 100,000 households in the areas of Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk Oblasts, which now regularly suffer from hostilities. The specialists of the distribution network operators at DTEK Grids, continue to restore the electrical networks despite the bombings upon the authorisation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the State Emergency Service. Our aim is to provide towns and villages with the electricity they need for normal life in the region.
Since the start of the large-scale invasion, every effort has been made by DTEK Grids to maintain the stable functioning of the electrical networks and a reliable source of lighting. DTEK's power officers have been working non-stop under hostile conditions for 215 days, and, with all services, do everything possible to make sure the Ukrainians have light at home. Since 24 February, electricity supply has been restored to 4 million households in Kyiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa Oblasts and in the city of Kyiv. For a large number of these families, the lights had to be restored several times because of the regular shelling.
Only in the past week, the specialists of the DTEK Grids have restored the functioning of the electric networks which were damaged following the hostilities in 121 settlements of the Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts. Electricity has been restored to 108,000 households.
In particular, in the Donetsk Oblast, energy workers need to eliminate the consequences of enemy attacks and restore power grid exploitation daily. Over the past week, more than 90,000 households in 83 settlements in the districts of Bakhmut, Kramatorsk, Volnovaha and Pokrovskyi, suffering daily from Russian aggression, have had their electricity turned on.
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is also under increasingly intense shelling. The districts of Kryvorizkyi, Nikopol, and Synelnyk regions are often targeted by the enemy. In just one week, energy companies have restored power to nearly 18,000 families in 38 localities of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Electrical engineers begin repairs quickly and do everything possible to restore the electricity supply as soon as they receive permits from the State Emergency Service and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

However, 87 communities within the Donetsk region are still without electricity. Electricity specialists of DTEK Donetsk Grids will certainly restore power to the homes of all residents of the region upon being authorised by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to perform works.
In May, work to restore electricity to residents of districts in the Kyiv Oblast affected by the occupation was completed. According to preliminary calculations, the restoration of electricity networks in Kyiv oblast with the quality and reliability of the electricity supply before the war will require investments of about UAH 1 billion. Of these, over UAH 300 million have already been invested by the company in the restoration of electricity for the residents of the Kyiv Oblast. This is UAH 600-700 million. Looking forward to 2022-23, the company must create more reliable electricity supply systems.
The company needs support from state and international partners for approximately UAH 1 billion to fully restore the network's infrastructure and develop it based on the plan and the needs of local residents.