DTEK's Social Project "Your Hometown Begins with You" was awarded the UN Global Compact Partnership for Sustainability Award 2020. The International Partnership for Sustainable Development was launched by the UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine and aims to promote the Sustainable Development Goals, business partnerships, society, and the state.

"Partnership is the basis of the social project "Your Hometown Begins with You," so I think it's fair if DTEK shares this award with hundreds of project participants - volunteers and caring community members, whom we helped implement their ideas," said DTEK's Chief Communications Officer Olga Zakharova during the Partnership for Sustainability Award 2020, which took place in Kyiv on December 2, 2021. She also added: "This year, for the first time, we have placed particular emphasis on inclusive projects, and thus significantly expanded and put into practice the principles of accessibility in those regions of Ukraine where DTEK's business operates. One hundred eighty-two teams of volunteers received DTEK grants to implement inclusive projects worth more than UAH 12 million, which is more than 50% of all projects within the competition.

"Your Hometown Begins with You" is a grant project that DTEK has been implementing since 2013 in the regions of its business presence. The project is based on ESG principles and meets the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The project aims to activate local residents to improve social infrastructure and establish cooperation between residents, businesses, and local authorities. Participants applied for community improvement projects, after which the competition committee determined the winning projects that received funding and advisory project support. In 2021, 330 projects received grant funding from DTEK summing up to over UAH 21 million. The participants included 32 communities in 11 regions of Ukraine, where DTEK Energy, DTEK Renewables, and DTEK Oil&Gas are operating.

In total, DTEK has invested UAH 22 billion in sustainable development, social projects, labor protection, staff training, and the environment. At the same time, the company implemented and financed 2,462 social projects in the regions of business presence.