DTEK Grids implements technological digital control systems for network infrastructure management. In November 2021, the Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) software package was deployed by the leader in innovative energy solutions General Electric Digital which began operating in Kyiv. In 2022-2025, it will launch in four more oblasts of Ukraine. With its help, DSOs will see and manage the grid in real time, as well as respond more quickly to emergencies. For some customers, emergency shutdowns will be virtually unnoticeable, as the system will switch them to backup power sources in less than 1 minute.

ДТЭК Сети, пульт управления,

Digital dispatching makes it possible to accumulate a huge amount of information about the state of power grid infrastructure, quickly process it, and help dispatchers make better decisions to quickly restore power in the event of an accident. General Electric Digital’s ADMS system is one of the best software packages in the energy world; the system helps manage the power grids of European capitals such as London, Madrid, and Brussels. In November 2021, it started operating in Kyiv at DTEK Kyiv Electric Grids. This is the first time such a technological product has been used for grid management in Ukraine.

“DTEK Grids is the first to introduce new technologies, creating an innovative ecosystem in the work of distribution system operators. DTEK Kyiv Electric Grids became the first DTEK Grids DSO to operate a digital control room with General Electric Digital’s ADMS. The new system was launched in Kyiv in November 2021. It will appear in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast at the beginning of next year, and in Kyiv, Donetsk and Odessa oblasts by 2025. ADMS is one of the world’s best solutions for transforming Ukrainian Grids to a Smart Grid"," says Ivan Geliukh, CEO of DTEK Grids.

Prior to introducing ADMS, the company did not have the ability to manage the grid in real time and implement modern systems for proactive customer information due to outdated dispatch management systems.

ADMS has made it possible to combine seven disparate DTEK Kyiv Electric Grids control points into one large digital control room. Thanks to ADMS, dispatchers can see the power grid in real time and respond quickly to unusual situations. For example, in the event of an accident, the self-healing function will immediately switch some customers to backup power in less than one minute, so the shutdowns will be unnoticeable to them.

For customers, the use of the technology also means reduced accident elimination time through quick identification of the specific accident site. Until July 2022, customers will also proactively receive push notifications about emergency works through the company's chatbot.

DTEK Grids believes that General Electric Digital’s ADMS meets the new challenges that modern DSO has to solve every minute. For example, effective network management in distributed generation requiring the simultaneous operation of classic power plants (CHP, HPP, NPP) and a large amount of green generation, both medium and small prosumers as well as an increasing number of EV charging stations and electric vehicles.

"Every day, managing the power grid becomes more and more difficult. This is caused by the increase in the volume of distributed generation and distributed energy resources at all levels. At the same time, the reliability and uninterrupted supply in the distribution network remains a priority. Our ADMS software solves these challenges by offering our customers the best solutions,” said Jim Walsh, CEO Grid Software Solutions, General Electric Digital.

Implementing General Electric Digital’s ADMS in each specific DSO is preceded by a long preparatory period. The system is taught to understand the features of a particular operator’s network, and company specialists are trained to work with the new system. This is always a synergy of the developer and specialists of a particular DSO, which, in turn, will give customers better quality power supply as well as new convenient services and opportunities.