Developing the Ukrainian energy sector and providing significant tax revenues to the budget, DTEK Group makes a significant contribution to the financial and economic stability of the state. At the end of 2021, UAH 31.9 billion of taxes have been transferred to the state budget. Compared to 2020, DTEK Group's tax payments increased by UAH 10.9 billion due to an increase in VAT, rent payments and income tax.

“Honest payment of taxes is the basis for filling the state budget and is the main indicator of the responsibility of business and its activities in contributing to the country’s interests. The state finances the medicine and education, pays salaries, and pensions and builds the infrastructure by means of taxes. In 2021, DTEK Group paid UAH 31.9 billion in taxes to the state budget which is almost 3% of all revenues paid to the general fund of the state budget over the past year,” said Maxim Timchenko, DTEK CEO.

The UAH 31.9 billion in taxes paid by DTEK amount to UAH 28 billion paid to the central budget and UAH 3.9 billion paid to local budgets.

In addition, in 2021, the payroll fund of DTEK Group amounted to UAH 16.1 billion.

On top of that, in 2021, DTEK Group's capital investments in production development amounted to UAH 23.4 billion. Compared to 2020, the amount increased by UAH 11.4 billion. The main reasons for the increase are the construction of DTEK RES at the Tiligulskaya wind farm and the growth of capital investments by DTEK Grids due to an increase in tariff sources of financing during the transition to RAB tariff setting.