DTEK has joined the Created by Women Award, initiated by the French-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is aimed at supporting and developing female entrepreneurship in Ukraine, an initiative DTEK wholeheartedly supports, as part of the drive to achieve gender equality in our society.

DTEK's investments in fighting gender stereotypes align with the company's values, which in turn are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and are at the core of DTEK's ESG strategy. One of the goals that DTEK has integrated into its strategy and committed to achieving progress is Goal No. 5: to ensure gender equality. The company always delivers equal conditions for all employees, enabling everyone to discover their full professional potential, and we promote career growth regardless of gender.

DTEK’s Executive Director, Dmytro Sakharuk, said, “With the world rapidly transforming, the role of companies is fundamentally shifting, as they are adopting a social role and responsibility for ensuring sustainable development and solving global issues. We therefore support initiatives that are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As a responsible business, our common objective is to overcome gender stereotypes. In particular, since 2013, the number of women in managerial positions at DTEK has increased by 20%.”

This year's Created by Women Award finalists were presented with special gifts from the project’s partners; DTEK awarded the innovation finalists with designer suitcases, which have built-in USB ports and power banks, and are made from recycled plastic from PET bottles. The brand plans to switch completely to recycled plastic fabrics for the production of accessories.

Created by Women was founded Alina Dolinina. We have offered her a place at the Academy DTEK, to study the course of her choice as our thank you for her hard work.