On June 30th, the IT professionals publication Computer Review held its twelfth annual award ceremony for the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition for 2020’s Best CIOs. DTEK's Dmytro Osyka has been declared Best IT Director in the Ukrainian Energy Sector.

According to the organizers, the task of the competition continues to be identifying the most professional IT managers who have achieved the greatest success in the development of IT at Ukrainian enterprises in the previous year. The best CIOs are determined for eight categories - energy, information technology, wholesale, retail, agro-industrial, food industry, government agencies, and the financial sector. Dmytro Osyka was awarded for his contribution to the development of IT in the energy sector.

"From my point of view, 2020 – with a little ‘help’ from COVID-19 – was a year when many companies realized the need or stepped up existing efforts to digitize and automate their businesses,” shared Dmytro Osyka, “Last year was not easy for DTEK. Still, we were able to painlessly adapt to the ‘new normal’ and develop and begin implementing a number of strategic changes that will allow us to transform into a digital enterprise. I am grateful to the organizers and the Best CIO jury for recognizing DTEK's IT efforts. “

Among his main IT achievements of 2020, Dmytro Osyka cites the transfer of more than 7,000 users to a permanent remote mode within a week as well as the opening of 67 new customer service centers for YASNO. DTEK's IT team has developed, approved, and implemented a new IT Development Strategy. The company started replicating the corporate template SAP ERP / S4HANA and implementing it at DTEK’s Naftogaz, continued implementing billing based on SAP ISU / CRM in the Dnipro region, launch the trial operation of a new trading ETRM system and a number of other projects. In 2020, the modernization of the server infrastructure was continued, 130 platforms were connected, and more than 300 communication channels were activated.

"We have also started implementing a new data management model to ensure the transition to the data driven decisions concept at DTEK," adds Dmytro Osyka, “Plus, in 2020, we launched with the addition to five new employees projects for the digitization of mines, thermal power plants, power grids, logistics and HR as well as four more areas of digital transformation in DTEK’s field, procurement, office, and digital analytics projects. Last year, introducing digital technologies resulted in an economic impact of over 320 million hryvnas.“

Dmytro cites at least four priorities that will guide DTEK's position as an SIO for the coming year. It:

1. Transform IT into a creator of values, sources of ideas, and a platform to achieve business goals. Change the model of IT work with a focus on creating a development functions, achieving greater integration with business, clear division of roles, and implementing approaches and solutions to achieve best-in-class from idea to delivery.

2. Build a business application architecture automating DTEK's key business processes and increase operational efficiency. Transition to a modern corporate platform SAP S4 / HANA by introducing new tools for procurement management, document management, trading and portfolio management of energy services, as well as develop and implement new products and programs.

3. Create a framework for the widespread data driven decision approaches by improving data quality, building functions, and implementing effective data management tools for access, analysis, and modeling. Introduce a comprehensive analytical platform consisting of a "data pool", corporate storage, business and advanced analytics systems.

4. Modernize and construct a flexible cloud infrastructure that provides scalability, security, and stable operation of business applications and IT services.