In the workplace
Safeguarding the life, health and wellbeing of our people while they are at work is our number one priority. Across our businesses, we've integrated occupational health and safety (H&S) into all technical, manufacturing and corporate enterprises. We've developed a culture of zero tolerance for injuries, and implemented measures aimed at maintaining safe working conditions. These include training and briefings on H&S, medical support for all employees, and the provision of protective equipment, among other key interventions. Our employees can also access voluntary health insurance, corporate psychologists and physical health improvement schemes.
As a result of war
As of November 2024, the number of DTEK employees who have served in the Ukrainian Armed Forces totals 5,391, and 4,045 are currently serving. As a company, we provide support to our enlisted colleagues through the purchase of helmets, bulletproof vests, military uniforms and boots. Each mobilized employee receives personal financial assistance and additional health insurance. We also ensure constant communication to help resolve any domestic, legal or organizational issues that arise during active service.
Since the beginning of the war, more than 300 DTEK employees have been tragically killed, many of whom were mobilised. It's our moral duty to cherish the memory of our fallen colleagues, and we continually reflect on the brutal human cost of the past few years. We provide dedicated support to the families of those who've lost their lives during the conflict, while also helping employees who have been injured. To date, more than 900 wounded colleagues have received financial assistance, plus extensive treatment, rehabilitation and insurance. We also operate a comprehensive program of support for our veterans.
For every organisation, good business conduct is a top priority. At DTEK it's even more critical. Already working in a higher-risk jurisdiction, our employees are also now operating under the stresses of war. When people are under strain, mistakes become more likely, so helping them make the right decisions, and providing strong guidance, governance and controls, is more important today than ever.
That's why DTEK's ethics and compliance function is vital to the success of the Group. And why it's also a core part of the Fight for Light. Because by ensuring that everyone at DTEK behaves in compliance with all applicable laws and good business ethics, our work here underpins our relationships with national and international partners and allies. Allies who are critical to DTEK and Ukraine's future, as well as our integration with Europe. Indeed, the war with Russia has underscored the importance of demonstrating our ethical credentials, paving the way for ongoing cooperation built on transparency and trust.
Over the past few years, DTEK has invested significant time, effort and money into further developing our ethics and compliance culture. With robust policies and processes in place, we comply fully with human rights and labor laws, anti-corruption legislation and sanction regimes, while promoting clear ethical guiderails and best practice among our employees. Our Anti-Corruption Program was developed in accordance with international best practice.
Our Ethics and Business Code of Conduct is a set of rules and ethical guidelines that govern how every employee should act. It is informed by DTEK's core values, alongside best practice corporate governance and compliance, the Code ensures our people have clear understanding of the standards every employee is expected to meet.
DTEK is committed to upholding and respecting the human rights of all individuals connected with the company. Human rights are integral to our Ethics and Business Code of Conduct. We recognize that our activities may have the potential to directly or indirectly impact human rights and we are committed to ensuring employees, customers, suppliers, and local communities are respected.
DTEK is developing a human rights program based on the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international documents related to human rights' protection. The program will seek to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for any potential human rights impacts connected to our activities.
The key principles informing the development of our work on human rights are:
In our business dealings, we expect our suppliers, contractors and partners to adhere to these same principles.
DTEK is the target of near continuous cyber-attack by russia. In light of this threat, DTEK's information technology subsidiary Modus X employs hundreds of IT professionals who support both external clients and DTEK with cyber and data security matters. Since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion, MODUS X has repelled over 137 million attempted cyber-attacks.
Our Ethics and Business Code of Conduct sets out clear expectations of how DTEK and our colleagues should handle personal data. We have established a Data Protection Office to support with any enquiries including data access requests.