The world’s leading countries have adopted decarbonization targets for achieving sustainable development and addressing climate change. Over the past year, virtually all of the world’s major corporations have announced plans to reduce carbon emissions in 2030–2050.

Sun, wind, hydrogen, energy storage all offer the formula for future success in the new energy sector. Today, international energy companies are becoming integrated and diversified in terms of energy resources they produce, reducing CO2 emissions, cutting costs, implementing environmental and corporate social responsibility policies, planning their development based on ESG principles.

Companies are creating new supply chains and seeking new sustainable business models, investing in the creation of new environmental infrastructure, developing digital networks, and implementing innovations. At the same time, the world is actively pursuing electrification as increasingly more electrical devices are used, the demand for electricity is increasing, the reliability and stability requirements to the power system become stronger. The world economy has entered the phase of energy transformation.

The recent International Summit on Climate in Washington demonstrated how highly all countries are involved in climate improvement. US President Joe Biden supports climate change. The EU continues the Green Deal. China has set a goal of achieving zero CO2, and Asian countries are moving to a clean blue strategy that produces natural gas demand. Great Britain continues its green industrial revolution.

The Global Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved, national production modernized in accordance with new European environmental standards, affordable, clean, and safe electricity generated, the shift to “green” technologies and innovation made only by combining the efforts of society, state, and business.

As a European country with huge potential, Ukraine should not be an exception. The Global Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved, national production modernized in accordance with new European environmental standards, affordable, clean, and safe electricity generated, the shift to “green” technologies and innovation made only by combining the efforts of society, state, and business.

A strategy of sustainable development of big business supported by the state can become the driving force behind positive change in the country. As a business and investor looking to the future, DTEK builds a vision of the company’s sustainable development based on ESG principles (Environmental, Social, Governance) and is prepared to be a model and guide for other companies in this process. We openly share our ideas and experience in devising strategies for a transition to new business models, our hands-on experience in using innovations and technologies for sustainable development.

Over the past three years, we have invested $1.2 billion to build 1 GW of green renewable energy produced by the sun and the wind. Our plans are to build another 500 MW in Ukraine. Our wind and solar power plants helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 by 2.5 million tons. In 10 years, we want at least 33% of our electricity to be generated by renewables. DTEK’s global goal is carbon-neutral electricity generation by 2040.

Decarbonization today is not a tribute to fashion, but a business requirement and a great responsibility to society. Energy is a sector that can reduce emissions and solve the CO2 problem. Innovation and technology in the energy business may well make Ukraine economically vibrant and save the planet in the next 30 years.